Underwater wine-making starts on land. To guarantee the highest quality, these wines must follow the vinification standards of the Spanish wine quality control system.
At ElixSea we seek excellence. We produce our wines with acknowledged winemakers with generations of wine-making experience, in accordance with the highest standards of the D.O. and D.O.Ca appelations.
Regenerative wines: Our underwater structures were engineered to increase the growth of marine life in the area. The cages with the bottles inside also provide shelter for the smaller inhabitants, and improve the aging of the wines through the marine currents.

High pressure, the silence of the depth, constant temperatures, the absence of light and noises, currents, and the constant tide changes affected by the Moon and micro-gravity. In these conditions, the wine evolves faster, becomes more complex, and transforms in a way that could never be achieved on land.
ElixSea has been for the last years experimenting and selecting only the top quality wines. Our quality standards differentiate us.
Underwater wine is within the reach of lovers of the sea, seekers of the best wines in the world, enthusiasts, and fans of art and wine collectors.

“Shipwreck wines are very rare to find and you cannot be sure if your treasure will be a sailor’s table wine or a rare bottle from the captain's private collection”